Published: 2024-04-06
Hi, I'm Dawid!
Nice to see you on my blog :)
Who am I?
- Male (he/him), born in 1990 in Poland, moved to Germany when I was 10
- First and foremost a husband and father, friend and sibling
- A senior full-stack-ish software engineer (let's say a backend dev with some frontend experience)
- Hobbyist indie game-dev with some experience with libGDX and Phaser 3, currently focussing on Godot and GDScript
- Video games enjoyer - a lot of different things ranging from Rocket League, over Among Us and Risk of Rain, to Stray or The Last of Us
- Music is my life - both consuming and performing (badly)
Why am I creating this blog
In the last few months I got the feeling a bunch of times that I just want to share some of my experiences, insight or even opinions with "the rest of the world". I was always mostly a lurker on social media, it did not feel right to post things like tutorials about niche tech topics like How to host your blog on Github Pages on my friends' and family's timeline.
Somehow, having a separate blog for me that people can check out when they are interested, feels better than using social media for that. Just my own gut feeling though, no hard data behind it ;)
What am I writing about
This is not (only) a tech blog, it's my blog - I will write about whatever is currently on my mind ;)
Possible topics:
- Tech in general - tutorials, experiences, opinions
- Book recommendations - I used to read a lot, now I listen to a lot of audio books
- Music - recommendations, opinions, think pieces
- "Promoting" my (open source) projects
- Maybe some guinea pig pictures ;)
- Anything else that I feel like writing down
I guess that's all about me for now - see you on the other pages!
You can find me on Mastodon
(follow #dawidsblog to get notified about new posts)
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